Saturday, April 19, 2008

Oh Happy Happy Day

It's Sunday again. Am so happy surrounded by those who loves me.. :-)

Auntie Emma

Uncle Eric
Kakak Jill

With my Mummy in front of Auntie Emma's new Gen 2
Auntie Abot, Uncle Ato, Auntie Rina, Auntie Emma, Sist Sarah Joy and Mummy

Auntie Magel & Sist Esther

Kakak Tatum, Pam & Ivy

Kakak Abigail

"A Tales for Children" followed "A Tales for Adults"

A gift from My Mum's Boss, Mr Thomas Jorgensen @ MD of dz card

Thanks all for loving me.. Jesus bless all of you.. Am so happy having all of you as my uncle, auntie, kakak and abang... :-)

Fever & Measles

On my 3rd month, I got very high fever (38.5"c) and came measles. The doctor said to my parent earlier that this vacine is very strong due to it's content "5 Serangkai".. Below what "" said about it..

"DTaP, Hib, IPV, PCV, RotaTeq.

DTaP protects against three bacterial diseases: diphtheria; tetanus, which causes lockjaw; and pertussis (whooping cough). Hib protects against Haemophilus influenzae type b, a cause of bacterial meningitis and pneumonia.IPV protects against polio, a viral illness that causes paralysis and can be fatal.PCV protects against pneumococcal bacterial infections, which can cause deafness, pneumonia, and meningitis.RotaTeq protects against rotavirus, a viral disease that causes severe diarrhea.Your child can get one vaccine -- Pediarix -- in place of HepB, DTaP, and IPV, but there is a higher risk of a mild fever. Pediarix is given at 2, 4, and 6 months. "

Here are my photos during my fever days..

Ready to go to Church

Red Spot all over my face

I Felt itchy all over my body

Here Some useful artikel taken from " Buku Panduan Lengkap Penjagaan Ibu dan Anak oleh Elizabeth Fenwick"


Campak adalah penyakit yg sgt mudah berjangkit, yg menyebabkan ruam , demam, batuk. Gejalanya timbul satu atau dua minggu selepas anak anda dijangkiti.

  • Periksa suhu badan dua kali sehari dan setiap 6 jam selepas demam tinggi pada hari keempat dan kelima
  • Buat anak anda dlm keadaan selesa. Cuba turunkan demamnya dgn eliksir paracetamol dan jika perlu, lap badannya dgn menggunakan air suam
  • Pastikan anak anda minum banyak air
  • Jika mata anak anda sakit, basahkannya dgn bulu kapas yg dicelup dlm air sejuk.


Tidak terdapat sebarang rawatan perubatan utk campak, tetapi doktor akan mengesahkan diagnosis tersebut dan mungkin memeriksa anak anda sehingga dia sembuh.

  • Hari 1 & 2 - Hidung meleleh, batuk kering, mata berair, merah dan sakit & suhu meningkat.
  • Hari 3 - Suhu jatuh sedikit, batuk berterusan & tompok putih halus spt granul garam di dlm mulutnya
  • Hari 4 & 5 - Suhu meningkat mungkin sampai 40'c, Ruam merah pudar berbentuk bintik yg agak menonjol muncul pd mulanya di dahi, blkg telinga dan merebak beransur-ansur ke muka dan bhgn badan lain
  • Hari 6 & 7 - Ruam beransur-ansur hilang dan kehilangan gejala lain
  • Hari 9 - anak anda tdk lagi mengalami campak



  1. Anak tidak bertambah baik selepas 3 hari selepas ruam timbul
  2. Suhu anak anda meningkat secara tiba2
  3. Keadaan anak bertambah teruk selepas kelihatan bertambah baik
  4. mengalami sakit telinga
  5. Pernafasan kuat dan sukar

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ask Dr Sears: Newborn Jaundice

Ask Dr. Sears: Newborn Jaundice
By Dr. William Sears, Parenting

William Sears, M.D.

Q. Our 6-day-old son has a slight case of jaundice. Is there anything we can do at home to get rid of it, besides exposure to sunlight? I have heard about using some kind of special lamp as treatment. What is the truth behind this?
A. Nearly all newborn babies get a touch of jaundice, or a yellow tinge to the skin. Some babies get more jaundice than others. Jaundice is caused by the buildup of yellow pigment, or bilirubin, in the skin. Normally, when worn-out blood cells are broken down by the body, the bilirubin is released and disposed of by the body's master filter -- the liver. However, a newborn's immature liver can't dispose of all the extra bilirubin, so the excess settles in the skin, causing jaundice. As soon as your baby's liver becomes more mature, it will be able to dispose of the excess bilirubin, and the jaundice will disappear.
Jaundice is only a problem if there is an underlying medical reason for it, such as extreme prematurity or a blood grouping incompatibility. Premature infants usually have higher levels of bilirubin because their livers are even less mature than those of other infants. Also, if mothers and babies have different blood types, more blood cells are broken down, so the bilirubin is higher. In both these cases, the high bilirubin levels can lead to severe jaundice, which can interfere with the development of the brain. However, doctors normally monitor bilirubin levels to keep them from getting that high.
Since your baby has "a slight case of jaundice," he likely has the usual type of newborn jaundice, called physiologic jaundice, which is temporary and harmless. You don't need to worry that the bilirubin has gotten harmfully high. Here are some things to help bring the usual levels of bilirubin down:Home phototherapy. What you've heard about at-home lamp therapy is correct: If your baby's bilirubin level is going up instead of down, your doctor may want to prescribe home phototherapy, an alternative to keeping newborns in the hospital for jaundice treatment.
Home phototherapy requires you to put your baby under a special sun lamp and is only done when bilirubin levels are unusually high. Another, newer form of treatment is to wrap baby in a bili-blanket, a device that removes bilirubin. This is the easiest way to do home therapy in mild cases of jaundice that require treatment.
Expose your baby to sunlight. If the jaundice is slight, you may not have to institute any treatment at all. Your doctor may, however, advise you to put your skin-exposed baby next to a closed window and let the rays of sunlight shine on him for around fifteen minutes, four times a day. Sunlight dissolves the bilirubin in the skin so that it can be excreted in your baby's urine.
Feed your baby frequently. The more fluid -- breastmilk or formula -- you get into your baby, the easier it is for his body to flush out the excess bilirubin.
Feed your baby at least every two to three hours during the day and when he awakens at night.
Be sure your doctor explains to you the concept of physiologic, or "non-worry," jaundice. Oftentimes, the worry level of new parents is higher than the bilirubin level of the baby. It's important to avoid needless worry, since it can interfere with your ability to make milk and to get to know your newborn.